Other Educational Programs
In a creative approach to addressing facts and dispelling misconceptions about LGBTQ people, the Lambda Network ingeniously transformed the popular game show Hollywood Squares into an engaging and enlightening program named "Kodawood Squares." This entertaining adaptation featured a diverse group of participants and aimed to present LGBTQ-related information in an enjoyable manner.
Responding to requests from managers or fellow employees, the Lambda Network organized Brown Bag Discussions. These informal gatherings involved network members and officers sharing lunch with non-members, fostering open conversations about the network and the experiences of being an LGBTQ employee.
To equip participants with the skills to navigate challenging discussions, the network conducted Having Difficult Conversations Workshops. These workshops were designed to empower individuals to speak up and engage in more complex conversations related to the safety and equality of LGBTQ employees, ensuring that participants were well-prepared for such dialogues.
The Lambda Network actively promoted LGBTQ inclusivity within Kodak through various initiatives. One notable effort involved the distribution of SafePlace™ Magnets, a creation of LEAGUE AT&T (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Allies Employees at AT&T). These magnets, strategically placed on doors and offices, served as visible markers to identify LGBTQ safe spaces and allies within the workplace.
Network members took an active role in diversity panels at Kodak, using these platforms to share personal stories, discuss their coming-out experiences (where applicable), and candidly address questions about their individual journeys.
In collaboration with the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley (GAGV), the Lambda Network organized the GAGV Ally Workshop. Conducted by GAGV members, the workshop aimed to educate both LGBTQ individuals and allies about homophobia and effective strategies for overcoming it. The goal was to empower participants to become advocates for LGBTQ inclusivity in their communities, fostering a broader understanding of ally behavior.
To extend awareness of Kodak's employee networks and their focal points to the shop floor, these networks joined forces for a Shop Floor Outreach. This collaborative effort aimed to introduce Lambda Network and LGBTQ issues to shop-floor employees without singling out individuals as LGBTQ or allies. Given concerns about the safety of LGBTQ expression on the shop floor, this protective approach was crucial. As part of this outreach, the network brought Kodawood Squares to the shop floor and hosted a "Can We Talk?" workshop, actively engaging shop-floor volunteers in open and constructive conversations.